There are many pests and diseases that affect expensive plants and trees in domestic and commercial situations that are not easy to control with cultural methods.
Often, there are control measures available which can be used as part of a management programme but these are often not available to the amateur grower.
We provide a service to supply and apply professional plant protection products to plants, shrubs or trees in Herts, Beds Bucks and Essex.
Applications are made by Knapsack, Fogging equipment or Quad bike depending on the situation.
Researching then targeting the pest or disease properly and applying the protection product in the correct way is very important. This means that the efficacy of the product is protected and there is no risk to non target species or the local environment.
If you have a problem and feel that we may be able to help, please ring for an informal chat. 

Telephone: 01920 461958   Mobile: 07950 334112